Hypothetical questions can make a Q&A session a thousand times better. They spark up exciting conversations that would probably have never come up if the questions being asked were general. This is because they give an opening to thrilling and fun topics.

Funny hypothetical questions will definitely brighten up your day, or night, as it is expected that there will be answers given that will be completely unexpected. Don’t we love surprises?
What is a hypothetical question?
A hypothetical question is a question that contains unproven assumptions or imaginary scenarios. It is used to explore future possibilities or stimulate creativity.
20 fun hypothetical questions
Some of these questions will help you find out what someone would do in a hypothetical situation.
- What would you wear if you had to wear the same outfit for the rest of your life?
- If you were to pick one movie to be your life, which one would it be?
- You can transport one furious elephant into any point in history, where would you put it?
- If a turtle doesn’t have a shell, is he homeless or naked?
- If you were a professional wrestler in the WWE, what would your name and identity be?
- If you could go back and be any age you want for a month, what would you choose?
- If animals could talk, or at least communicate in a basic, intelligent manner, how do you think the world would change? Would you still eat meat?
- If you could be any living person for a day, who would you choose?
- If after dying, you can come back as any living thing other than a human, what would you choose?
- What would you eat for your last meal?

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- How would you change how you live your life if life was like a video game where you respawn back at home after dying?
- If you were a superhero, which of your friends would you pick as your sidekick? And what would your respective powers be?
- If you could choose one, would you rather be famous or rich?
- If you had to be renamed after one of the planets in the solar system, which would you pick?
- If you were to have either a teleporter or a time travel machine, which one would you want?
- If you were going to a famous historical figure dress-up party, who would you go as?
- If when you die, you are given a choice between finding out what is next or staying on earth as a ghost to wander the planet alone for eternity, which would you choose?
- Would you rather know all the languages in the world, or know how to play all the instruments?
- If you were a fashion icon, and whatever you wore would become a fashion trend, what fashion trends would you start?
- Would you rather be 3 foot or 9 foot tall?

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20 incredible what would you do questions
Ensure all participants vow to give an honest answer in this section.
- What would you do if you were given a chance to pick a job or business that you will work on for the rest of your life?
- What would you do if there happened to be an alien invasion on earth?
- What would you do if you found out that you were adopted?
- What would you do if a time traveller told you that you will become president ten years from now?
- What would you do if you only had one month to live?
- What would you do if you found an emaciated baby dragon in a deserted area?
- What would you do if you had to work at one job for the rest of your life?
- What would you do if you could be immortal but unhappy, or live for five more years and be incredibly happy?
- What would you do if a teaspoon of your tears could be used to cure cancer in one person?
- What would you do if two aliens approached you?

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- What would you do if you had the chance to go back in time 100 years ago, or 100 years in the future from now?
- What would you do if you were given the power to make one person’s wish, other than yourself, come true?
- What would you do if a zombie apocalypse occurred?
- What would you do differently, or not, if you had to start life all over again?
- What would you do if you were a billionaire?
- What would you do if you saw a unicorn in a rarely explored forest?
- What would you do if you got too drunk and cheated on your partner? Would you confess?
- What would you do if your only options were to live in jail for the rest of your life or die now?
- What would you do if it was somehow proved that there was no god and every religion is pointless?
- What would you do with the ability to become invisible for a day?

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20 interesting questions to ask when you're bored
Chase the boredom away with the amazing questions in this segment.
- Would you rather end all wars or world hunger?
- Would you rather be incredibly witty and outgoing or quiet and incredibly intelligent or just stay the way you are now?
- If you won a $10 million lottery, what would be your first five moves?
- Why do we park on driveways and drive on parkways?
- If you were given the superpower to control one thing, excluding other people, what would it be?
- If you could ask your future self from the year 2050 one question, what would it be?
- Why do our feet smell and our noses run?
- What if everyone on earth jumped at once?
- Would you rather be blind or deaf?
- What if humans had eagle vision?

- Would you rather forget who you were or who everyone else was?
- If you could kill anyone in history, who would you kill?
- What if there were no seasons?
- What if humans were twice as intelligent?
- If we have free speech, then why are there phone bills?
- For the rest of your life, it will only be spring, winter, autumn or summer. Which one would you choose?
- If you could be born again in any country, as any race, and as any gender, what would you choose?
- If you were the opposite gender for a month, how would you spend it?
- What if the moon had never formed?
- A building is on fire, do you save a sibling or four strangers?

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20 of the best hypothetical questions
Are you ready for some crazy answers to these questions? Ask away!
- If you could make one thing that is now legal, illegal, and one thing that is illegal, legal, what laws would change?
- If you became a high school teacher, what subject would you teach?
- If you could be one age forever, what age would you choose?
- If you were on death row but could choose any way to be executed as long as you died within a couple of days, how would you want to die?
- If you could have complete knowledge of any five things, what would you want to know?
- Would you rather know a lot about little or a little about a lot?
- If you could control your dreams, what would you want to dream about tonight?
- You have the power to gain twenty years of extra life by leaving a stranger to die, would you do it?
- If you were a professional wrestler in the WWE, what would your name and identity be?
- Would you sacrifice your life to save a stranger?

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- What animal would be the cutest if it was the size of a chihuahua?
- If you had to suffer through a massive natural disaster but could choose which disaster to face, which would you choose?
- If you were to pick one luxury item that you can never sell, what would you pick?
- If a ghost approached you, how do you think you could react?
- What would you pick if you could be your gender of choice?
- What sound do you think you would miss most if you went deaf?
- If you could live anywhere, where would you live?
- If you became president today, what would be the first thing you would change?
- If you could say one last thing to only one person, what would you say and to whom?
- Do you think humans would win a war against aliens?
20 intriguing and good what if questions to ask your friends

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Which are the best hypothetical what if questions? These questions are expected to bring out some fascinating revelations!
- What if you woke up one morning with only the clothes you are wearing in another country, and unfamiliar with the country’s language?
- What if you could have access to either free vacations for the rest of your life, a loving and romantic partner till death, or never have to work for the rest of your life? Which one would you choose?
- What if you could become the world’s best athlete in a particular sport? What sport would you be playing, and why?
- What if you had three wishes? What would you wish for?
- What if you could get a lifetime supply of any food in the world? What would it be?
- What if you were a monster? What monster would you choose to be?
- What if you woke up one day and realize that you switched families and bodies with your celebrity idol?
- What if you were offered one superhuman ability? What would you choose?
- What if you were asked to move to an island where you would live alone for the rest of your life, and with access to food only? Would you take the offer?
- What if you could fly? Where would you go first?

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- What if you were to drop dead five minutes from now?
- What if you could walk on the ceiling?
- What if you woke up tomorrow morning and could only hop everywhere you went?
- What if you could read what everyone was thinking?
- What if you could be any animal?
- What if you could choose how you were going to die?
- What if you could relive any day from your past, which day would you pick?
- What if you could become invisible, but it would mean being in this state permanently? Would you do it?
- What if you were could bring any fantasy creature in the real world? Which one would you choose?
- What if we had to sing instead of talk?
Hypothetical scenarios questions

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Avoid boredom at all costs using these hypothetical questions. Even when you are alone, you can answer them by yourself and have lots of fun while at it!
READ ALSO: Funny quotes about life and its lessons
As reported by Legit.ng, funny quotes about life remind us not to worry too much about different things. Sometimes, it is essential to let go and laugh.
Beyond the laughter, funny quotes about life will remind you of a valuable lesson or teach you something new that you can apply for a more fulfilling time on earth.
Source: Legit.ng