100+ fun hypothetical questions to bust out when you are bored

August 2024 · 10 minute read

Hypothetical questions can make a Q&A session a thousand times better. They spark up exciting conversations that would probably have never come up if the questions being asked were general. This is because they give an opening to thrilling and fun topics.

Funny hypothetical questions will definitely brighten up your day, or night, as it is expected that there will be answers given that will be completely unexpected. Don’t we love surprises?

What is a hypothetical question?

A hypothetical question is a question that contains unproven assumptions or imaginary scenarios. It is used to explore future possibilities or stimulate creativity.

20 fun hypothetical questions

Some of these questions will help you find out what someone would do in a hypothetical situation.

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Hypothetical scenarios questions

  • If your fiancé suddenly had an accident that turned him/her paraplegic, would you still marry him/her or would you back out?
  • Would you agree to go without showering, brushing your teeth, and using deodorant for six months to win $50,000? You are not allowed to talk about the deal with anyone until the six months end, or the offer is gone.
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    Avoid boredom at all costs using these hypothetical questions. Even when you are alone, you can answer them by yourself and have lots of fun while at it!

    READ ALSO: Funny quotes about life and its lessons

    As reported by Legit.ng, funny quotes about life remind us not to worry too much about different things. Sometimes, it is essential to let go and laugh.

    Beyond the laughter, funny quotes about life will remind you of a valuable lesson or teach you something new that you can apply for a more fulfilling time on earth.

    Source: Legit.ng
