ATattoo Artist Creates Optical Illusions toShow aSurreal World Underneath the Skin

July 2024 · 2 minute read

Just when we thought surrealism was an old painting method, artist Jesse Rix revolutionized the tattooing industry with his magnificent optical illusions that look like they’re from out of this world. His tattoos are so realistic that they make the skin look like a thin barrier covering an entire hidden universe.

Here at Bright Side, we decided to share with you some of his spectacular works that can astonish even those who dislike tattoos. He uses hexagons and cubes to reveal a magical world.

1. “There is some creativity I’d like to get off my chest.”

2. A perfect capture of a tattoo. It looks like he just pushed a button and moved the whole Universe.

3. An arm that is breaking up through hexagons to reveal a spaceship in the galaxy

4. A full sleeve of galactic and scientific magic

5. A dark beehive on the leg with the queen almost escaping

6. A sentimental tattoo based on a painting by the client’s grandparent

7. A stunning landscape tattoo for all of us who love fall and Halloween

8. This person wanted a tattoo to remind him of the great times he spent working at NASA

9. A beautiful face emerging from space

10. A spaceship breaking through the skin wall coming toward us

11. The Big Bang

12. The magic of nature peaking through his skin

13. A small window to his soul

14. Time and space

15. Skin breaking in hexagons so that the astronaut can enter our world

16. According to the tattoo artist, this is his favorite piece and it was the one that got him noticed!

17. A meaningful tattoo about emotions, letting go, and imagination

18. Planets and meteorites coming out of someone’s chest

19. A black-and-white 3D puzzle tattoo with great depth

20. Black holes

21. Artwork inspired by illumination

22. Hexagons and a rose on someone’s Adam’s apple

23. Picking up the broken squares

24. Meditating in a surreal place

25. Hexagons, squares, and black holes


Generally, in art, the result is what everyone is looking at. It is the most important part in the audience’s eyes because it shows the complete work. In the mind of the artist, however, it is the process. It is the journey it takes to start from developing an idea, then doing a small sketch, brain-storming, doing the archetypal drawings, changing it, and practicing in order to perfect it. So, it is important for the audience to see the “behind the scenes” process of an artist in order to understand how talent is built!

What do you think of these tattoos? Would you ever consider getting one? Or maybe you already have one? Please let us know in the comments below!
