Girl Picks Worst Time to Play “Senior Assassin” on Best Friend: Her Dad’s Funeral
By Mustafa GatollariPublished March 13 2024, 9:42 a.m. ET
If you've lived through high school or watched one of the million downright awful Netflix series about the challenges of trying to make it to graduation, then you know just how brutal teenagers can be.
Something that was showcased in a viral TikTok that a user on the app who goes by Tiny Sparks (@tinysparksvixen) reacted to upon seeing someone who was "killed off" in her senior assassin game after being caught unawares during a vulnerable moment.
What is Senior Assassin?
No, it's not a Mexican-themed hitman movie, although those are awesome, it's a last-year-of-high-school tradition that is kind of like Secret Santa, but with simulated murder, usually by way of water guns or taping someone on their back, according to Catcher Games.
The rules for each "senior assassin" run-through vary from school to school and it ultimately depends on what the senior class chooses to adopt, but the premise is simple: there's a pot of cash at the end. People are randomly assigned assassination targets that they then must take out to try and make it to the cash prize and earn the moniker of top assassin.
It's basically great sociopath training, and depending on how much you like playing the "mental" game of manipulation a la the deranged pariahs on series' like Big Brother, it could totally be your thing.
Or maybe it's a great way to see if you've got the patience to be a field sniper or real-life contract killer, silently watching your target for hours on end until the perfect moment to strike.
Whatever lesson you want to take away from thinking about what it takes to be a talented senior assassin, it appears that the lesson to be gleaned from Sparks' video is that some people take the festivities a little too far. So far, those friendships are ruined forever.
It looks like the person Sparks commented on in her clip betrayed her friend's trust after a car accident, just so she could get her to let her guard down and be Senior Assassinated.
#greenscreenvideo I'm sure she didn't intend to end their friendship #tinysparks #highschool #senior #senioryear #seniors #seniorassassin #traditions #tradition #schooltradition
♬ original sound - Tiny Sparks Source: TikTok | @tinysparksvixen"POV u got in car crash 6 days ago so you thought your childhood best friend was trying to cheer u up but she was ur senior assassin," a text overlay in the video reads, which begins with a recording of two women embracing each other.
The young woman with glasses can be seen hugging her friend, holding a bouquet and what looks like boxes of chocolates as she disengages from the hug, her "assassin" can be seen whipping out a water gun and spraying her, completing the "assassin" portion of the senior tradition.
"She got a senior tradition canceled," another overlay in the video clip reads before the clip cuts to TikToker Tiny Sparks (@tinysparksvixen) speaking into the camera. She says: "A very similar situation got senior assassin game canceled permanently for our entire school. When I was a sophomore the senior class had two best friends in it, girls."
Sparks continued with her tale: "they had actually been voted most inseparable like every year they were in high school together and one of the girls pulled her best friend's name for Senior Assassin. Unfortunately, the young lady whose name got pulled she lost her father that Spring shortly before she graduated, it was really upsetting."
"Her father was a huge member of the community, um, was well loved, so many people from the school wanted to go to his funeral that they were not sure that they should even open school the day of his funeral cause so many students wanted to go and so many teachers wanted to go."
"Um, school was open, I went to school but everybody heard the next day when they came back how at her father's funeral her best friend had used that as a reason to assassinate her for senior assassination and it was at her father's funeral and this broke them up. Um, they never spoke again as far as I know, this was high school so as far as I know they did not speak that anybody saw the rest of the year and the summer after graduation."
She continued, stating that the heartless gesture ultimately culminated in the prank war being banned: "and the school canceled senior assassin. Again, to my knowledge it has not been brought back since this event, they just shut it down and said: this can't happen again. She was so upset," the TikToker says at the end of the video.
There have been multiple instances where the "senior assassin" game has gone viral for the wrong reasons: like when these high schoolers who participated were so devoted to the game, and the cash pot pooled together from everyone who pitched in to see who could duke it out till the very end, ended up taking the assassination attempts so seriously that they ended up getting in a fender bender, scraping each other's cars in the process.
The damages probably amounted to more than whatever the final monetary amount the pot yielded in the first place was, which means that at the end of the day, all these high schoolers were probably competing for was bragging rights to be able to say that they were the last one standing at the end of senior assassin.
And yes, maybe that last bit of cash could've helped them fix whatever damage they incurred on their vehicle, too.
What do you think? Did you ever play senior assassin with your graduating class? Or were you and your friends more concerned with pulling off elaborate pranks instead?