How Macaulay Culkin Managed to Oust His Bossy Father From His Life, Beat Depression, and Become a Fa

August 2024 · 5 minute read

For many people, Home Alone is strongly associated with the Christmas holidays. Yes, we love watching the smart boy, portrayed by Macaulay Culkin, trick the bad guys over and over again. But the life of the actor himself wasn’t as happy as the film’s story — the role of Kevin made him popular but it also brought him lots of trouble.

This Bright Side article is going to tell you how Macaulay managed to beat his depression and addiction and live a full life again.

Childhood and first roles

Macaulay Culkin with his father

Macaulay during one of his many interviews

Macaulay Culkin is 13 years old here. This is one of his last roles playing a kid in Getting Even With Dad.

Macaulay with his first wife Rachel Miner

The left photo was taken at the police station when the actor was 24. The right photo was taken around 6 months later.

Macaulay in American Horror Story

We are happy for Macaulay. He seems absolutely happy now. We think he deserves some quiet family happiness, just like everyone else.

Do you like Macaulay Culkin? Have you seen any other movies with him except Home Alone?

Got some cool photos or stories and want to be featured on Bright Side? Send them all right HERE and right now. Meanwhile, we’re waiting!
