Who Is Iain Maclean From Below Deck Mediterranean Dating?

August 2024 ยท 3 minute read

Yacht Bosun Iain Maclean Joins 'Below Deck Mediterranean' as Dating Life Speculation Brews

Who else is looking for a hunky boat hand to fall in love with? Well, here's Iain Maclean's relationship status, just so you know.


May 30 2024, Published 4:57 p.m. ET

Source: Bravo

There's a new leader on board the Mustique. Iain Maclean is taking over as Bosun on the ship for Season 9 of Below Deck Mediterranean and the shakeup could cause major rifts on the seas.

According to Bravo, the budding reality television star is from Cape Town, South Africa, and boasts five years in the yachting industry. In his personal time he likes "going to the gym, hiking, kloofing, surfing, jolling, music festivals, hanging out with friends and family, and going to the beach." Nowhere in there does it mention a partner, though, so it lends the question... is Iain single?

Source: Bravo

Who is Iain Maclean dating?

Sadly, there's not much to go off of in regards to Iain's dating life. While being on Bravo is sure to make him a person of interest for fans, it looks like he's pretty private on social media.

Without being able to snoop through a social media page, it's hard to say if he's dating anyone at all. For now, until fans can get a peek on board, Iain's relationship status is simply unconfirmed.

If he is single, that could definitely add a little bit of spice to the plot. After all, drama is known to arise aboard when the crew members start to catch feelings.

What is Iain Maclean's job on 'Below Deck Mediterranean'?

The yacht is full of plenty of jobs to get done and too many slip ups can be costly. If you really want to follow along on the show, you'll want to know what each crew member is supposed to be doing.

Iain is the team's Bosun which is a pretty senior level and pretty much puts him in charge of day-to-day operations. There's not many people higher than the Bosun, except the captain, of course.

According to Marine Insight, "the main duties of bosuns revolve in the deck area of the ship. The Bosun is a member of the deck department and his duty, among others, is to supervise the deck crew of the vessel."

"The bosun is also involved, under the purview of the Chief Officer (and eventually the Master), in the planning, scheduling and assigning of work to the deck crew on the ship," the site added.

This shift in leadership could prove to have a change on the overall working conditions and mix up some of that ongoing drama. We'll see how long Iain lasts considering the team's last Bosun, Ruan Irving, was fired when Captain Sandy realized quickly that something was wrong with his documents.

Source: Bravo

So far, though, it looks like Iain is more than qualified for his job with five years of yachting experience already under his belt. It's hard to say what his top concern will be coming in, but we do know what he things of Mustique. He told Bravo that he boast is "in need of some good maintenance, but a good-sized strong ship with solid bones."

Iain enjoys his job, so hopefully he'll be along for the long haul. "Honestly, I find that the job as a whole surprises most people that aren't in the industry," he added.
