Is '90 Day Fianc: Happily Ever After?' Couple Jenny and Sumit Still Together?

September 2024 · 3 minute read

Here's everything you need to know about where Jenny and Sumit are now, after '90 Day Fiancé: Happily Ever After?' and if they're still together.

Source: TLC

Jenny and Sumit from '90 Day Fiancé.'

One couple who is undeniably the real deal in the 90 Day Fiancé universe is Jenny and Sumit, who have been in the franchise for years and together even longer. Now, in 90 Day Fiancé: Happily Ever After?, they're up against the world as they figure out how to be together while Sumit also tries to remain in his parents' lives. So, are Jenny and Sumit together now?

They originally connected online, when Sumit catfished Jenny as a much different looking man. But when they met in person, Jenny was still smitten enough to give their relationship a whirl.

Never mind the fact that Jenny and Sumit's age gap is 30 years, making Jenny old enough to be her husband's mother. Somehow, though, they've managed to face every hurdle thrown at them and come out closer than ever.

Source: TLC

Are '90 Day Fiancé's Jenny and Sumit together now?

Judging by Instagram alone, these love birds aren't hiding anything. While some reality TV couples may try to keep the status of their relationships a secret until the end of a season, Jenny and Sumit regularly share photos of each other.

They even interact with some fans in the comments and Jenny recently told a follower that she hopes to show Sumit America soon.

That doesn't mean they aren't without their problems, though. In Season 7 of Happily Ever After?, Sumit wants to regain his parents' trust after they disowned him. Jenny, on the other hand, is ready to call it and pack up to move to the United States.

Sumit isn't so quick to want to leave his entire life behind, however, which is where they'll see a bump in the road.

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Sumit cants to make his parents happy by having kids now.

One of the biggest reasons Sumit's family is against his marriage to Jenny is her inability to give him biological children, given her age. And, they fear, by the time Jenny eventually passes and Sumit is alone, he will be too old to father children.

In the Oct. 23 episode, however, Sumit tells his aunt, brother, and sister-in-law that he does want to have kids.

Unfortunately, Sumit hasn't yet discussed this with Jenny. And, being that Jenny has adult children and she's now a grandmother, we find it hard to believe that she'll be anything close to thrilled with the idea of somehow having a new baby.

Sumit tells producers that he can adopt or use a surrogate to have children. But again, Jenny is past that part of her life and even though Sumit admits he doesn't really want kids, he says he's willing to do it for his parents.

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As usual with these two, there's just a lot going on. And even though Jenny and Sumit do appear to still be together, nothing ever comes easy for them.

Watch 90 Day Fiance: Happily Ever After? on Sundays at 8 p.m. EST on TLC.
