The month of November is the eleventh month of the Gregorian Calendar, but it is also the last full month of Fall of the year. November kicks of with All Saints' Day, but this is just one of many holidays celebrated in November across the globe. One of America's most family oriented traditions, Thanksgiving, is celebrated on the third Thursday of November. Additionally, November is the home of Guy Fawkes Day in the United Kingdom, World Diabetes Day and Children's Day in India.
The two signs associated with the month of November are Scorpio and Sagittarius. People born from November 1st to November 22nd are members of the Scorpio sign. A Scorpio can be identified by their success-driven and resilient nature. For those born from November 23rd to November 30th, they are members of the Sagittarius zodiac sign. As the Sagittarius often has an appreciation for life's finer things, members of the sign can be identified by their animated and hardworking nature. For more information on those born in November, consult the horoscopes listed below.