Customer Tells Young Daughter Not to Speak to "The Help” While Shopping in Viral Post
By Mustafa GatollariPublished March 14 2022, 8:33 p.m. ET
Some people are just raised with garbage morals and outlooks on life and how to treat other people. Pastor Charles R. Swindoll said, "You're not born prejudiced; you're taught it." It's kind of hard for babies to be born and just innately hate ice truck drivers, people with beards, or Broadway musicals.
OK, maybe folks are born hating show tunes, but how you're taught to deal with that hate is a different story.
And that usually boils down to how folks were raised to treat other people. Oftentimes we can see parents reinforcing what we may think are questionable ideals in their kids, which can be a delicate situation. Obviously, no one should stand for child abuse of any kind, but when it comes down to teaching particular views, that's when things get a bit touchy.
The idea of whether or not addressing something that isn't our "business" is a delicate line to tow, especially because a person has the right to say and raise their kids, as long as they aren't jeopardizing their health, in any way that they want. And while you can't force people to think a certain way, and it's only natural that different people are going to have different world views than you're own, there are some behavioral characteristics that are universal.
Which is what's at the heart of the outrage many commenters on a viral Reddit post that details an interaction between a pharmacy store employee and a customer who visited the location with their young daughter.
The post was penned by the involved employee's co-worker, who detailed that the pharmacy was situated in a "very rich neighborhood" and shared in Reddit's r/antiwork sub. It reads: "So I work in a pharmacy in a very rich neighborhood. My coworker was out in the front of the store facing inventory, and a customer walked by with her young daughter."
They continued, "My coworker smiled at the girl and said hi. The girl’s mom told her to not talk to 'the help' and walked right by my coworker.
This is what the wealthy think of the working class. We are not even worthy of being spoken to."
Why the customer thought it was OK to teach their daughter that she shouldn't be speaking to employees angered a lot of Redditors, who came up with some colorful solutions as to how to handle the situation in the future.
"Tell her that her card declined loud as hell next time she comes in," @Scared-Mind4799 wrote. Another user who posts under @spcy_chkn_sndwch writes, "If you're picking up your own prescriptions you aren't rich enough to call anyone 'the help.'"
Then there were other users who highlighted the interaction as yet another example of why there is a labor shortage post pandemic, "Disgusting mentality…and then they wonder why these places are short staffed. Who wants to deal with such awful treatment? Pure arrogance on the customer’s part."
What do you think? Have you ever been talked down to by a customer while at work or had an interaction that left you feeling a bit grimy after the fact? How did you handle it?