'Star Wars' Latest News and Updates

September 2024 · 1 minute read

A long time ago in a galaxy far, far away...

The beloved characters of Star Wars first came on the scene in 1977, and it's safe to say the world (nay, the galaxy) has never been the same since. The pop-culture phenomenon has gone far beyond the realm of mere film franchise with titles spanning nearly every medium you can imagine. From television series to video games to books to comics to LEGO sets to toys to home decor — if you're a Star Wars fan, there's a lot out there for you to take part in.

Here are all of the upcoming Star Wars TV series we know about so far:

Here's a list of upcoming Star Wars movies, too:

Wondering where to watch Star Wars movies and TV shows?

All of the currently released Star Wars films and TV series are available to stream on Disney Plus (except for the infamous Star Wars Holiday Special, which you'll have to seek out on YouTube).
