Trump Booked a Press Conference at the Four Seasons...Landscaping

September 2024 · 8 minute read

Everyone's Convinced Trump Booked His Press Conference at the Wrong Four Seasons


Updated Nov. 8 2020, 11:12 a.m. ET

Source: Getty

The 2020 US Presidential election is still underway but there are many mainstream news outlets already reporting a Joe Biden victory and declaring the DNC candidate as the President elect. Donald Trump is lobbying for the Supreme Court to intervene, citing election fraud and improper counting of ballots in order to stay in the White House.

The Associated Press reports Trump's economic advisor, Larry Kudlow that "He intends to fight."

The "fight" being a campaign to paint Biden's 2020 victory as one that is tainted, something Roger Stone spoke to when asked if he thought the President would ever concede. "I doubt it. [Biden will then have] a cloud over his presidency with half the people in the country believing that he was illegitimately elected."

Big press conference today in Philadelphia at Four Seasons Total Landscaping — 11:30am!

— Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump) November 7, 2020

AP continued that this could possibly be a plan of attack for Donald Trump to run for re-election in another four years and that he is attempting to launch his own media empire, absorbing the viewers of many conservative outlets like Fox News and retaining his most die-hard loyalists. The outlet also looked to the "support" of his "inner circle" who wants him to keep calling for voter fraud, which includes his personal lawyer and former Mayor of NY, Rudy Giuliani.

I could write jokes for 800 years and I'd never think of something funnier than Trump booking the Four Seasons for his big presser, and it turning out to be the Four Seasons Total Landscaping parking lot between a dildo store and a crematorium.

— Zack Bornstein (@ZackBornstein) November 8, 2020

Which brings us to the press conference in question that occurred outside of a Philadelphia Landscaping business: the Four Seasons. People couldn't stop laughing at the fact that the impromptu gathering was at the Four Seasons...Landscaping which was sandwiched between a crematorium and an adult book store.

What in the actual...

— Richard Hall (@_RichardHall) November 7, 2020

The President's sons, Donald Trump Jr. and Eric have reportedly implored their dad to maintain his position, that he did not lose the election, and they've even called upon other Republican leaders to join them. However, the GOP does seem divided on its stance on whether or not to welcome Biden into the White House just yet. Larry Hogan, Governor of Maryland has congratulated Biden, Fred Upton from Michigan did the same.

Here’s the “all the networks” moment

— Zack Bornstein (@ZackBornstein) November 8, 2020

Senator Mitt Romney, Adam Kinzinger, Tom Reed, Phil Scott, and Will Hurd are all notably GOP figures, among others, who've openly congratulated and/or welcome Biden into the White House. Lindsey Graham and Ted Cruz, however, have contested that there was voter fraud occurring in a number of swing states, which is a sentiment shared by many Trump supporters in Pennsylvania, where many predict a recount will indeed take place.

In other states where the number of ballots were close, like Arizona, Georgia, and Wisconsin, recounts could happen as well, but that will depend on each individual state's willingness to participate in a recount or not.

For many, however, Trump's press conference outside of the Four Seasons Landscaping is a death knell for his shot at staying in the White House come 2020.

I need to know if this is really what happened. Or is there any other explanation to this hysterical train wreck? What is their explanation why this shit show went down? This is driving me crazy.

— Ken Marino (@KenMarino) November 8, 2020

Adult book store one one side, crematorium on the other. I bet Rudy didn't know if he was coming or going.

— Peter Craven (@Crusher_Craven) November 8, 2020

Strategically speaking, he could continue to speak to his base and help foment enough momentum going into the 2024 race in an attempt to strive for a seat in the Oval Office. If he successfully manages to establish a media empire in that time, he could very well make another run in that time, depending on the political landscape and the initiatives that Biden's administration will pass.

Hey, our location is perfect for our needs... back off, man. Don't forget to book your 2-4-1 driveway clearing specials for the upcoming winter

— Four Seasons Total Landscaping (@lildickybutts) November 8, 2020

Wait.. wait wait wait... Thats not what actually happened, is it? They didn't think they were booking THE FOUR SEASONS hotel, did they? I want this to be true so, so bad.

— Name Cannot be Blank (@missadrialise) November 8, 2020

Trump rose into political prominence outwardly criticizing Barack Obama well before announcing he ever planned on getting involved in Government. Once he had announced his intention to run as Republican, he vilified anyone who got in his way. It was a tool that unequivocally worked and he tired out the opposition on the podium with his campaign utilizing social media analytics to spread his messaging far and wide.

Part of what's so amazing is that they went ahead with it & put up posters for the backdrop & the podium, etc. The staging is...chef's kiss!

— Lisa Diedrich (@lldiedrich) November 8, 2020

Wow. An adult toy store where the bigger dicks are located outside of the building.

— STEMtheBleeding (@STEMthebleeding) November 8, 2020

For now, critics of the President are relishing the fact that he's holding press conferences outside of a landscaping company with such a glamorous name in a not-so-glamorous location.

The most beautiful and bigly way to end the ugliest presidency ever: between a porno store and a crematorium

Especially given Rudy's illustrious history of shutting down porno stores while Mayor plus sparring with the populace and incorrectly quoting law

— riwoche རི་བོ་ཆེ་ (@riwoche) November 8, 2020

“Oh how the mighty have fallen!” To see Donald’s surname as a backdrop on what looks like a dilapidated building plastered on a broken down garage door is fitting! “Ability may get you to the top, but it takes character to keep you there.” ~ John Wooden

— Kawashin (@ChipHooray) November 8, 2020

While Trump is calling for a nation wide recount to occur at the Supreme Court level, there are several media outlets reporting this more than likely will not happen. The political landscape was vastly different when the SC weighed in on the election between Bush and Gore, as were the circumstances surrounding voting and potential voter fraud.

“Four Seasons,this is Carl.”

“Hello, I’m calling from the White House. Do you have a space available on Saturday?”

“I guess.”

“How much?”

“I don’t know, $50?”

“Our procedure is bring a cheque for $100 from the Campaign and you give us $50 change.


“See you later.”

— Bruce Hamilton🇨🇦 (@MrBruceHamilton) November 8, 2020

FYI: I called the Four Seasons in Philadelphia a few minutes ago and verified that they had plenty of guest rooms available and also the large conference/event room as well.

— (((Ami Schreiber))) (@shribr) November 8, 2020

In the case of the 2000 election, many have pointed out there is a lot to suggest voter fraud definitely occurred in Florida, however, a lawyer who worked the Bush recount case in 2000 contends that Trump's desired recount is entirely different.

Look this business up on Google Maps and put it on a satellite 3D view - this parking lot is where Rudy had his presser. The Green is the back of the building from that photo. Lulz. Everything is a prop.

— 🌊Jhoulie Crawford🌊 (@JuahEvah) November 8, 2020

I must know how this happened.

How does someone accidentally book a landscaping firm's parking lot instead of a hotel?

Like, didn't the landscaping firm's reception give any clue that this wasn't what they were looking for? "Erm... okay, sir. If that's what you want to do..?"

— Rawr (@Rawr_79) November 8, 2020

As AP puts it: "So far, Trump’s campaign and Republicans have mounted legal challenges in several states, but most are small-scale lawsuits that do not appear to affect many votes. On Thursday, the Trump campaign won an appellate ruling to get party and campaign observers closer to election workers who are processing mail-in ballots in Philadelphia. But judges in Georgia and Michigan quickly dismissed two other campaign lawsuits Thursday."

“All the networks.. and he is looking up to sky”. Hahahaha

— JT (@jojithumma) November 8, 2020

Launching your shaky legal challenge to an entire election from the parking lot of a porn shop and a landscape company, next to a crematory, with campaign posters taped to a garage. Scary! #WorstPresidentEver #FourSeasons

— Kevin Keyser (@KKinLA27) November 8, 2020

Will the Supreme Court intervene? As of this writing, it doesn't appear that it will occur unless there is some heavy breakthrough of evidence to suggest that there was some serious voter fraud going on in the swing states in question.

In 20 years, the kids will never believe us. I hate how explaining what Trump does make you sound like a conspiracy theorist. I don't believe in them but now I sound crazy. I guess we all do.

— Simitude Sims🌊🌊🌊 (@Simitude_Sims) November 8, 2020

I could not think of the more funnier fact than one that the democrats seized power on the same day that the Bolshevics seized power on November 7th in 1917.

— Lee (@Lee00737351) November 8, 2020
