Celebrate Valentines Day on Pokmon GO With Tons of Pink Pokmon

August 2024 · 3 minute read

Pink Pokémon Have Taken Over 'Pokémon GO' for Valentine’s Day


Updated March 12 2021, 1:15 p.m. ET

Source: The Pokémon Company

Happy Valentine’s Day! Love is in the air and there are pink Pokémon all over the dang place in Pokémon GO! Best holiday ever, right? If you’re hoping to fill your Pokédex with all the cutest critters, you’re in luck. Here’s a guide to this year’s Valentine’s Day Event in Pokémon GO.

This Valentine’s Day, ‘Pokémon GO’ will be filled with a bunch of pink Pokémon.

Be on the lookout for more Clefairy, Jigglypuff, Slowpoke, Chansey, Porygon, Flaaffy, Hoppip, Snubbull, Miltank, Whismur, and Skitty than usual. If your Pokédex has been sorely lacking when it comes to the pink Pokémon, this event is the best time to fix that. You might also see a Shiny Chansey in the wild or hatch a Shiny Happiny.


Get ready to think pink this Valentine’s Day in #PokemonGO!

💕 https://t.co/D0hCuapPke pic.twitter.com/XOI3ymQ0WU

— Pokémon (@Pokemon) February 14, 2020

But the really exciting part of the Valentine’s Day event is that two new Pokémon are making their Pokémon GO debut: Audino and Alomomola! They’re both pink (naturally) and they’re both pretty adorable. If you’re hoping to add either Audino or Alomomola to your team (or both of them!), there’s only one thing to do: Get outside! Both Pokémon will be appearing in the wild within the game. You can also check out the Field Research Tasks to increase your chance of encountering an Alomomola.

As with most of the Pokémon GO special events, you’ll be able to get more candy than usual within the game — the amount of catch candy you rake in will be doubled throughout the weekend. Also, while Lures typically last 30 minutes in the game, they will last for an entire six hours for this event. Polygon recommends using Pinap Berries on wild Pokémon to maximize your candy gains this weekend.

There will also be a Raid Day to celebrate Valentine’s Day weekend.

On Saturday, Feb. 15, Pokémon GO will host a Raid Day featuring Lickitung. Between 2 p.m. and 5 p.m. local time, trainers will have an increased chance of meeting Likitung that already know Body Slam during four-star raids — you might even encounter a Shiny Lickitung. Keep in mind that if you need a Raid Pass, you can get up to five of them for free by spinning Photo Discs at Gyms.

Valentine's Day is the perfect time to tell your loved ones how you feel, Trainers. 😘 😉 pic.twitter.com/7HK2C2hbSj

— Pokémon (@Pokemon) February 14, 2020

And don’t forget about the event-specific Field Research Tasks!

So far, we know about five Field Research Tasks that are specific to Valentine’s Day weekend:

How long does the Valentine’s Day Event last in ‘Pokémon GO’?

The event will be ongoing from Friday, Feb. 14 at 8 a.m. to Monday, Feb. 17 p.m. (local time). That means you can seek out pink pocket monsters all weekend! If you happen to have a partner who also enjoys playing Pokémon GO, voila! Your whole Valentine’s weekend is already planned! Nothing says “I love you” like a herd of pink Pokémon, right?
