First up is the practice round, starting with a straightforward bunny hop, followed by the "college boy roll," which requires the individual to lift and rotate their entire bodyweight up and over a bar a tough move which first-timer Ohashi struggles with.
"I swear, at one point I did gymnastics," she jokes, after falling in the dirt.
A number of the obstacles are so high that the diminutive Ohashi needs a boost before she can even secure a hold on them, although she demonstrates some impressive core and upper body strength getting herself up and over the logs and walls.
"She's a champ," says Alexander. "She's doing a little better than James Charles did so far."
Ohashi absolutely kills the practice rope climb, then it's time to run the assault course all in one go during which Alexander praises Ohashi's "supreme balance" and "exquisite dexterity."
"I'm tired, man," Ohashi says upon completing the course. "You can tell I'm out of retirement, I need a little bit more practice on this, then I'll be ready to go."